All of Honey’s puppies have now found forever homes! Thank you to everyone who helped in making it happen and supported Honey and her puppies in their journey. Honey is being spayed and will soon be looking for her own special place to call home.
Category Archives: Rescues
What I Got for Mother’s Day (a most appropriate gift)!

Mama Patty
About 10:00 on Sunday night, a very sweet and a little worried red and white Pembroke Welsh Corgi girl named Patty and her nine (yes 9!) seven-week-old puppies arrived at KeelMtn. Thanks to the mighty Corgi Nation, and some other helpers too, Patty and her brood made their way first from the shelter where Patty’s owner surrendered them when the puppies were 3 weeks, then to a foster who thought their chances were better with a corgi rescue, and then to us. Joan Adams LLYS DRAIG did all the coordination between the first foster and the first driver, Melinda Early, who started off their long journey from south Louisiana, then to Jennifer Pierce who did the middle leg, and then here where they will be fostered, medical needs attended to, socialized, and loved for a little bit. Then comes the best part, they all will find wonderful forever homes!

Hey, we’re tryin’ to sleep here!’
We’ve been told that Patty is 5 years old, although the condition of her teeth make me think she’s actually much younger. At the moment, she’s pretty skinny as most post-partum girls are. She has obviously been a fantastic mother; her puppies are a bundle of silly fun, loving, and happy. They’re all being treated for round and hook worms, a common occurance in puppies raised in less than ideal circumstances, but they are otherwise wonderfully healthy and getting chubbier every day. Unfortunately, Patty is positive for heartworms, also a common occurance for dogs that live outside who are not on heartworm preventative. (On my soapbox now: ALL DOGS NEED TO BE ON HEARTWORM PREVENTATIVE ALL YEAR ALL THE TIME! Heartworm is totally preventable. It can be fatal! Treatment for heartworm is VERY expensive and VERY hard on a dog. Heartworm preventative is simple and inexpensive. KEEP YOUR DOGS ON HEARTWORM PREVENTATIVE!) Patty has started treatment, which will take several months, and we’re hoping she can be successfully treated. (For those of you who are interested in what treatment for heartworm entails, Patty’s Heartworm Protocol used by my veterinarian is here.)
The puppies will need to be with us and Patty until they’re at least 10 weeks old. They are NOT purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Some of them seem to be a little bit terrier, some a little bit dachshund, all of them totally cute! They are smaller than corgi puppies at this age, and since Patty is only 22 pounds herself, I think it’s fairly safe to say they won’t grow up to be more than 20 pounds. At 10 weeks they will have had 2 in a series of 4 vaccinations, will be microchipped, and dewormed. Whoever is still here beyond 12 weeks will have gotten a rabies vaccine in accordance with Alabama law. Whoever is still here beyond 16 weeks will be spay/neutered. There is an adoption fee and a standards of care contract which includes a speuter requirment and a strict return policy. We will not ship puppies to people unknown to us, unless they can be vouched for, either by a personal relationship or an in person interview and home visit by someone we know.
Fat Corgis Are Not Cute!
Pudgy, chubby, rolypoly corgis are adorable, aren’t they? I don’t think this “Chunky Monkey” would agree. I had planned to pull her today from a shelter and when I called to see when she could be released into rescue, I was told she was being euthanized due to extreme congestive heart failure. She was five years old.
Please, PLEASE, don’t let your corgis become obese. It is (obviously) a life-limiting condition over which you have complete control. Corgis don’t have opposable thumbs; they can’t open kitchen cabinets and refrigerators. They don’t have money and driver’s licenses; they can’t zoom on down to Mickey D’s and order up a couple of Big Macs. They don’t have cell phones; they can’t call for Domino’s to deliver a pizza. (Much as they would like to.) Pay no attention to how much the chart on the dog food bag tells you to feed; they are selling dog food. Ignore those pleading eyes; your dog is not starving. Pull out a leash instead and go for a walk, you’ll both be healthier for it. Please don’t let your corgi be a fat corgi!
Here’s some more information about the damage obesity does to your dog.
Is there a better place to be? Rescue Cardi, Frankie, was picked up as a stray in rural SC and spent 3 months in a shelter there, waiting to be adopted and have his heartworms treated. With the help of wonderful people from all over (many thanks to Janet, Stephanie, Heidi, Bonnie, and the countless others who helped to spread the word) and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi National Rescue Trust, not only did Frankie get all the medical attention he needed, he found a forever home and a ride to get there – all in time for Christmas! Frankie is getting settled in with Lynn and Mike, and is learning the ways of the household from Cardi “sister”, Vanessa. So happy for all!

Safe at home!
(I Hope) I’ll be Home For Christmas!
Jill is Ready for a Forever Home!
“Jill” was an owner turn-in slated for euthanasia at a Tuscaloosa shelter before she was pulled by rescue. We are fostering until a forever home is found. Jill is an older girl (about 7+ years old in a breed who routinely live 16-18+ years). She is spayed, microchipped, current on all vaccinations, and is on heartworm preventative. Jill weighs about 10 pounds. She is free of internal and external parasites. Jill is fine with baths, blow-drying, and nail care. She will walk on a lead, seems house-trained, and gets along with the other dogs at her foster home. No signs of aggression or fear. She is very sweet and mild and enjoys being with both women and men. Jill would like to be someone’s couch-potato or bed-buddy. She is definitely an inside pet. Jill has recently had her teeth cleaned and been professionally groomed. An application and interview are required as well as a modest adoption fee to partially cover expenses.
Rescue Available!

Jill needs a forever home!
Okay, so she’s not a corgi. Jill is a Yorkshire Terrier who was about to be euthanized at the Tuscaloosa shelter. A rescue contact asked me on Wednesday if we could foster her. Since we planned to pass right through Tuscaloosa on the way to the Hattiesburg shows the following day, it seemed as though it was meant to be. She still needs a decent haircut – what does a corgi person know about cutting Yorkie hair? – and a teeth cleaning, both of which will be done before she is placed, but otherwise, she is simply a lovely girl. Jill had no problem with me giving her a bath, and another bath, and a blow dry, and then proceeded directly onto the travel trailer sofa where, except for overnights in our bed <g>, she spent the rest of the weekend. Jill is up-to-date on shots, spayed, microchipped, seems housebroken, walks on a leash, and gets along with everybody at my house. Are you in need of a lap-warmer?
Happy Endings!

Bella and one of her boys, ‘Throw the ball!’

Ying and Yang = Bobby and Bella
Love happy endings! Bella was one of three newborn puppies found homeless with their dark brindle Cardigan Welsh Corgi mother in a rural area near us last July. (You can read more about them on Our Rescues page.) Now she lives in TN with a Pem ‘brother’, Bobby, and their great family.
Happy Endings!

Pretty Gabi in her forever home!
You can read the story of Gabi’s sad beginnings on Our Rescues page, but we’re celebrating the one year anniversary of Gabi’s going to her forever home!
Here’s a note from her mom, Diane:
It’s hard to believe Gabi has been with us for an entire year!!! She’s a great dog and I feel she’s happy with us. After a year, she still has a few quirks. She won’t climb down the inside stairs and she won’t come out of her crate, when called. But, Gab has made it very clear she’s a big girl. She’s gone from sleeping in her crate in the bathroom to sleeping on a bed under my bed, along with Chloe. And, we have very few inside potty incidents. She remains sweet. Gabi loves the snow – if it’s snowing, she’s frapping!
How much better could life be?!?