Wide Load!

Cheery is getting bigger every day! She looks a little confused from time to time – who wouldn’t? – but is doing well albeit moving a little slower than usual. Enjoy some photos of Day 40. Cheery’s puppies are due on December 14th.

Congrats to the “baby daddy” Chris, who was Best of Opposite Sex over specials under breeder-judge Dr. Gareth Morgan-Jones yesterday in Texas! And I just now got a phone call saying he was BOS again today under corgi-knowledgeable judge Ms. Patricia Laurans! Yay Chris!

Cheery Day 40-1Cheery Day 40-2Cheery Day 40-3

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3 Responses to Wide Load!

  1. Jeri says:

    Good job!

    Poor Cheery-O. Way to go baby daddy though! How far is he from CH?

    • admin says:

      This was actually his first weekend out. Marian sits on them until she’s knows they’re ready to start winning and then finishes them up in a pair of seconds. She knows her dogs and which judges will like them. (Wish I was that good; it’d save me a lot of entry money!)

  2. Jinnie says:

    Poor little Cheery-O I’ll come help hold your paw.